
Speak up and share your world!

トニー 先生


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Lesson Plan: Daily Conversation and Country Introduction

Welcome to my Trial Lesson!

Today, we'll practice daily conversations and learn how to introduce our countries in English.

This will help us connect with each other and set the stage for our upcoming lessons, helping you improve your English skills.

Duration: 30 minutes

Part 1: Greetings and Small Talk (15 minutes)

  1. Warm-up (3 minutes):

    • Introduction: I'll introduce myself and tell you a little about me.
    • Your Turn: Please introduce yourself. Share your name, city/country, and one hobby.
  2. Basic Greetings (4 minutes):

    • Learn Greetings:
      • "Hello/Hi"
      • "Good morning/afternoon/evening"
      • "How are you?"
    • Practice: We'll role-play these greetings. I'll say one, and you respond.
  3. Small Talk (8 minutes):

    • Learn Small Talk Questions:
      • "How's the weather?"
      • "What did you do today?"
      • "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"
    • Practice: Practice asking and answering these questions.

Part 2: Country Introduction (15 minutes)

  1. Introduction (3 minutes):

    • Why It's Important: Being able to talk about your town or country helps others understand where you're from.
    • Structure: Here's how you can introduce your country:
      • Name of the city/prefecture/country
      • Location (continent, neighboring prefectures/countries)
      • Main town/Capital city
      • Population
      • One or two interesting facts (culture, food, landmarks)
  2. Teacher's Example (2 minutes):

    • Example: I'll show you how to introduce my country.
      • "I'm from Senegal. Senegal is a country in West Africa. The capital city is Dakar. Senegal has about 18 million people. It has a unique culture with traditions like cultural ceremonies, fashion, and wrestling. Senegal food, like cebbu jen and mafe, is also very popular."
  3. Your Turn (8 minutes):

    • Prepare: Think about how you'll introduce your region or country using the structure above.
    • Share: Tell the class about your country.
  4. Feedback and Q&A (2 minutes):

    • Feedback: I'll give you feedback on your introductions.
    • Questions: Feel free to ask any questions or share more about your country.

Conclusion (3 minutes)

  1. Review (1 minute):

    • Summary: We practiced greetings, small talk, and country introductions.
  2. Homework (2 minutes):

    • Write: Write a short paragraph introducing your country and send it to me by email.
    • Practice: Use small talk with friends or family.


トニー 先生



体験レッスン 20% OFF

30分 ¥1,000 ¥800

通常レッスン 20% OFF

30分 ¥1,500 ¥1,200
40分 ¥2,000 ¥1,600
50分 ¥2,500 ¥2,000
60分 ¥3,000 ¥2,400